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Vision & Mission

Our Vision

To become a global leader in manufacturing of electrical products and an innovative infrastructure solution provider. We strive to deliver sustainable value to our customers along with a unique and collaborative work environment for the employees.

Our Mission

To create holistic infrastructure solutions to empower lives for a better tomorrow.

While holding a deep respect for all individuals inside and outside the company and the community at large, the company lays down its mission statement.

To make, distribute and sell the finest quality of products and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment.

Achieve ‘Customer Delight’ through innovative, cost effective and value added services and products.

Being a responsible and ethical corporate entity with a positive impact on our industry and community at large.

Our Vision

Lumino’s vision is to become a global leader in manufacturing of electrical products and an innovative infrastructure solution provider. We strive to deliver sustainable value to our customers along with a unique and collaborative work environment for the employees.

Our Mission

To create holistic infrastructure solutions to empower lives for a better tomorrow.

While holding a deep respect for all individuals inside and outside the company and the community at large, the company lays down its mission statement.

To make, distribute and sell the finest quality of products and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment.

Achieve ‘Customer Delight’ through innovative, cost effective and value added services and products.

Being a responsible and ethical corporate citizen with a positive impact on our industry and community at large.